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08/31/2015 16:27

There are definitions suggest that  apk downloader crackberry forum is the use of scientific methods and techniques to gain access to new realities and to contribute to the growth of human knowledge. "Zidane and Shaath, t., p. 17," and the research of different types, wezelmk by the goals of all apk download for pc, so that basic apk downloader crackberry sachesi are applied and used in agricultural or industrial applications or services, and the results of this research to improve the methods and means used and upgrading their performance, there is research and development with the objective of development And innovation, research and scientific services for the collection of scientific information and data and save it and put it in a useable image. "Students, 1973, pp. 150-151. Universities are the perfect place for serious research by specialists and graduate students, postgraduate programmes in Saudi universities study courses in addition to apk downloader crackberry store and master theses and doctoral dissertations, cultural and scientific institutions, universities, tertiary education, and the advancement of  apk downloader crackberry sachesiand service of community in a complementary to achieve a development requirements, "Al Khatib, 1995, pp. 3-4. There is no somewhere else more appropriate than universities can match the efforts of the Foundation and applied apk downloader crackberry store, providing hardware and capabilities and scientific laboratories. "The Department of studies and academic development, King Saud University, Saudi Arabia, 1995, p. 9.

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For regulatory constraints should develop a general perception of University apk downloader crackberry forum plans at the level of faculties and departments according to the needs required by the economic and social institutions, conceived in cooperation between the faculties of the University with post-graduate studies and economic and social development. For  apk downloader crackberry store tools constraints should supply centres developed devices help researchers to advance their plan to supply research centres and colleges scientific books and periodicals walabh impact in scientific symposia and customizing direction or by management – linking research centres, networks of international information databases to encourage apk downloader crackberry sachesi in specialized containers and foul him, "Al-debasi, 1998, pp. 220-227.

relationship between universities and the industrial sector to enhance collaboration in apk downloader crackberry freeDespite differences in culture and traditions between the University and industry, it has become clear the need for a suitable mechanism for achieving a high degree of interaction, for wider cooperation and closer, higher education knowledge, manufactures and knowledge means thinking (exploration, planning, and design) and develop basic concepts of thinking beyond the current Showbox apk download 2015  situation, whereas the industry of commercial application of knowledge and desire to make a profit, and commercial application of new knowledge requires a reasonable investment in applied research and development, to strengthen the relationship between the University Industry, "Saeed, 1998, p. 526.

The University today has become required to face a large number of variables and requirements including: the need for large numbers of specialists in various types of advanced technology in industry, agriculture and trade, where huge technical progress in developed societies requires us to follow and keep up with this so lantkhelf behind global – need to research and scientific guidance towards the areas applied in the development and economic and social progress depends on the results of that  apk downloader crackberry free-the need for the contribution of universities more Effectiveness in satisfying the requirements of industrial development. Undoubtedly, the development of the relationship between universities and industry will provide a healthy climate of technical development, but the absence of such relationship may result in an isolated University community and unfulfilled requirements for its active role in the growth of society in addition to the continued orientation of the productive sectors to rely on foreign technical implications relating to this lack of coherence between economic and social conditions prevailing in society.

Overall you can crystallize the importance derived from the  Features of apk downloader crackberry coupon the scientific method cooperation of universities and technical sectors through a range of benefits and advantages that serve industrial development, most notably: the scientific advantage of undergraduate  apk download for pc in the areas of productive private sector units, so take advantage of this research and information technology, will help to achieve significant return to the private sector in turn reflected development objectives of developing countries generally provide technical information to the private sector, and through multiple means of scientific knowledge by universities and easily transported to the private sector. Making the most of research performed in universities and institutions of the information technology to assist in its productivity, and benefit from such research may open new areas of work and thereby create jobs and new sources of income, assistance in the provision of technical advice to institutions and marketing agencies to find export markets for their products.

There are also many advantages and gains belonging to universities as a result of cooperation with the industrial sector, such as the acquisition of advanced scientific reputation, whereas applied research aimed at directly relevant to society will give universities local and international credibility. On the other hand, there are also many advantages and benefits that accrue to the industrial sector as a result of its collaboration with universities such as identify research trends and results, and the possibility of the use and operation of advanced laboratories for experimental available in universities, in addition to other scientific services and facilities, as well as the speed of interaction of universities with companies in the industrial sector and respond to how the application and transfer of scientific findings to invent a new product or develop scientific information with less costs, as this will result in long-term cooperation to reduce reliance on imported foreign technology, Thus reducing expenses and higher economic returns for the private sector.

Is the applied research of the main technical cooperation between  Showbox apk download 2015 universities and industry sectors, in addition to special research BAS lock or administrative problems or manufacturing or marketing, "the Department of research and economic studies, chambers of Commerce and industry in Saudi Arabia, 1998, pp. 574-583.

The industrial sector is aware that the higher education sector and particularly universities are possible to promote ideas, the search for knowledge, and that any idea or theory in the vicinity of the University to win her from research laboratories, but turn into reality in the market by manufacturing, so the academic commitment is to find and share new knowledge, whereas the commitment is to encourage and support this new knowledge by funding basic and applied research, development, and production models and translate into products and services.

constraints and difficulties in cooperation between universities and industry sectors: No doubt there are some obstacles and difficulties which prevent the achievement of cooperation between universities and hoped the private sector, there are two points of view in this regard, first embraced by educators and boils down to poor information on advisory services or training programmes or research programmes that contribute to or organized by universities-low desire in industrial enterprises share the costs research projects-weak relationship between universities and the productive sectors, where men believed that industrial enterprises do not trust much In research and scientific studies, not convinced by the utility of their institutions, lack of confidence in the abilities and national experience, with some private institutions to contract with foreign research institutions, for consulting and research-some productive enterprises self-sufficient with its experts and technicians to solve their problems.

While there is another viewpoint to private businessmen in the constraints and difficulties in cooperation between universities, is busy teaching universities lack empirical research dealing with domestic production problems-the presence of rapid development in some productive sectors, and the problems far outweigh level contribute to the whole-not to link educational and training curricula with current reality of productive sectors and what eating problems and obstacles, and merely theoretical without applied curriculum.

Among the mechanisms in the relationship of universities with industrial sectors, the lack of agreement on the urgent mechanism and future revenues for apk download for pc , and the extent of differentiation and differentiation between the economic return and social return for this research.

In addition, there is a little less knowledge in the industrial sector in universities and the work of particular industrial sectors, there is mistrust of the industrial potential of universities to contribute to finding solutions to the many problems they face, as some universities do not have general recognition as possible for industrial sectors for lack of subject matter experts in the areas of technical research, lack of coordination and cooperation between industry and university research centres, That led to the failure to take advantage of the experiences, views and ideas in apk download for pc. means of activating cooperation between universities and industry in the field of  apk download for pc To get rid of the obstacles and constraints faced by cooperation between university research centres and industrial sectors, there should be information and communication programme to promote public understanding of the role of University apk download for pc  centers and its impact on technical development, there must be awareness and understanding that the contribution of the industrial sector was the first to benefit from the fruits of this contribution.

The elements of traditional management of universities may be suitable for academic issues, but inadequate to cope with the required cooperation between the higher education sector and industry. It was time to review these items, important steps must be taken into account in order to strengthen the relationship between universities and the industrial sector, the foremost industrial cooperation councils established in different academic areas, including the members of the University Faculty and representatives from the industrial sector.