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6. apk downloader constraints to improving the performance of scientific Showbox apk download 2015  research in Egypt
There are many obstacles and challenges at google play store apk the community level and at the enterprise level and at the level of the scientific researchers themselves and that's what we put him through this research, asked respondents about the main obstacles to the About Us  development of social science research in Egypt see following table:-
The previous table shows that lack of budget allocated for scientific research was 74% in the first place. This supports the above view of the budget. But the solution lies in the existence of alternatives and ways of funding as indicated by the results of research (45) as well as a mechanism for allocating financial resources to spend on scientific research (46). The last of the constraints, the brain drain to the outside by 20%, and in this regard recalls the human development report 2003 "in Arabic, out of 300,000 graduates of undergraduate, l995/1996 estimated that about 25% have emigrated to North America and countries of the European market between 1998 and 2000 left more than 15,000 Arab physicians abroad (47). The budget allocated to scientific research and vulnerability and drain a lot of constraints-the question arises-you could be the future is now!

Third: the development of scientific research
To develop scientific research and constraints is google play store apk not a goal in itself, but the real goal is to identify how these constraints affect the expectations of researchers for the future and their perception of him. The crisis and try to exceed scientific represents a real beginning of a (the scientific revolution) or bring new models as the "Thomas Kuhn" (48) but not the way
(The Cowboys) referred to "Fukuyama" (49)
So I must get out of the reactions to the industry already, Showbox apk download 2015  and this requires a national strategy realistic, it displays transparency so that wraps around all that would be needed there is conviction and faith among decision makers that scientific research is necessary and important and that behind all the world, and to assure that every day we delay the difficult task we have, the research did not take sufficient interest and conviction even today not only decision makers but the general atmosphere is positive , Take, for example, the press and media in General, we find that the football culture and art take times than interest areas of research. And the importance of social research in that it helps to spread awareness  About Us apk downloader of scientific and technological development and change in behaviors and concepts which must guide the service of scientific research and technological development is undoubtedly the cause of  Showbox apk download 2015 scientific culture is an important issue and we must convince the public that scientific progress would inevitably increase the income and improve the quality of life and the preservation of the environment and resources thus arises because of a belief in the inevitability of change (50)